Gravimetric is used over ion chromatography to test the sulfate concentration in Alberta's groundwater, sulfate concentration in Alberta's groundwater ranges from 0.3 to 1010 mg/l with an average value of 93.8 mg/l. The source for sulfate is typically through the dissolution of gypsum minerals, atmospheric deposition, and soil fertilizers for farming.
The sulfate is first precipitated by heating the solution and adding barium chloride, barium chloride is continuously and slowly added to the solution until the sulfate is fully precipitated and settled.
The precipitants are then separated from the solution through filtration using ashless filter papers. The precipitants are then dried and cooled to room temperature. The precipitants and the ashless filter paper are then moved into a crucible. The crucible is weighed prior to storing the ashless filter paper and precipitants.
Ashing then takes place by continuously heating the crucible, be sure to evenly heat the crucible and avoid any combustion of the material. In the event of combustion, cover the crucible with a lid to cut the supply of oxygen to the flame. Once the filter paper have charred and been converted into carbon, carefully remove the carbon and continue heating the crucible for 10 more minutes while also removing any carbon seen. Once the crucible have cooled, the crucible may be weighed with the sulfate inside to determine the amount of sulfate was inside the sample. Repeat the test until there is a large enough sample size to ensure that the average concentration from all the runs is accurate.