Quality Assurance of Alberta Groundwater
Initiatives to protect Alberta water sources
Protecting Alberta groundwater
Groundwater plays a significant role in drinking water, the economy and supporting healthy aquatic ecosystems. Groundwater discharges into surface water bodies like rivers and wetlands, giving support to the aquatic ecosystems. Thus, groundwater cannot be managed separately from surface water and aquatic ecosystems.
Alberta groundwater remediation guidelines are developed to protect water quality for different uses.
A point of compliance is the spatial location in the aquifer where the groundwater quality guideline should be achieved in order to protect ecological and human receptors. In this case, we have to ensure that the groundwater is safe to be discharged to the natural waters.Thus, the groundwater must meet the aquatic surface water quality guidelines at all points of discharge directly adjacent to the aquatic water body. All points of compliance should be the sampling points to ensure the quality of the groundwater.
Risk-based guidelines aim to protect the ecological receptors that are expected to be present, while also preserving an appropriate level of ecological function of the site and its ecosystem components. Groundwater can be used to support an aquatic ecosystem as it is discharged to a surface water body. Thus, the aquatic receptors such as the invertebrates, fishes, and aquatic plants are all considered.