For remediating the groundwater in Alberta, multiple treatments are chosen to use in combination, check and see their characters and how they work, include their descriptions and block flow diagrams which can help you understand them better.
The rawest groundwater will contain much solids like soils and little rocks, before air stripping is used, there will need to do sedimentation first for removing these solids. Sedimentation is a common way of treating the raw water, for solids that float and settle in the water, this method is often used. It will need sedimentation tanks when there presents large solids in the water. After it, the water will be gone through other treatments below.
Biosparging consists of injecting pressurized air or gas into a contaminated zone in order to stimulate in situ aerobic biological activity. This remediation technique applies to dissolve and residual contamination in the saturated zone, and targets chemical compounds that can be biodegraded under aerobic conditions.