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Most common cations found in Alberta's groundwater includes: Sodium, Calcium, and Magnesium with average concentrations of 318, 4.5, and 0.9 mg/l respectively. Sources of cations in Alberta's groundwater is most typically through mineral dissolution of Halite, Gypsum, and Dolomite. ICP-MS is the best method to determine the concentrations of different cations in water, and thus, is used in testing Alberta's groundwater.

Sodium: Halite

Calcium: Gypsum

Magnesium: Dolomite


STEP 1: 

Calibrate all equipment involved, and acidify the water sample to a pH lower than 2

STEP 3: 

The plasma (partially ionizing argon gas) separates the individual ions in the sample, and are then ionized by the plasma to become detectable.

STEP 2: 

The water sample is converted into aerosols using a Nebulizer.

STEP 4: 

The ions are then extracted from the plasma using a quadrupole, and then detected by an electron multiplier. Once detected, the spectrometer can output and quantify the concentrations of each cation.

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